Since I have been with the same person for many years it is easy to take him for granted. There he is-sitting on the couch, eating pretzels and watching TV. Of course I still love him and want him to feel loved but grand gestures may be too expensive/time consuming/etc.
Sometimes, small simple things I do can show my partner that he is loved and appreciated. Below are 7 ways that I can show him how he is still cherished.
I Pay Him Compliments
I know I like to be noticed in a positive light. So I try to pay my partner a few compliments each day. I make the compliments sincere. Doing this helps me appreciate him more, and I notice that he will in turn compliment me back.
Little Surprises
Sometimes I get up a little early and surprise him with his favourite breakfast. Or take time out of my day to purchase a special treat just for him. Little surprise gifts make him feel special. My partner will know that he is on my mind even when we are apart.
Help Out
I do one of his dreaded chores. Any chore that he says with a groan is one I can consider tackling on my own. Then when he moans about having to clean the baseboards I can let him know that I already did it for him.
I greet him with a smile. Sometimes my easiest gestures give me the biggest results. A smile can show him how much he is appreciated and just looking at him brightens my day.
Think About Him
If I see a TV program or a magazine article I know he would enjoy, I let him know about it. This simple act shows him that I am aware of his interests.
Do Something He Loves
Occasionally, I plan a fun excursion for the day that I know he will enjoy-even if it isn’t something that I love.
Pamper Him
After a long tough day I help him relax. I first draw a warm bath. Then, have a warm towel to wrap him up in. Afterwards, a nice backrub will be a pleasant treat. I can look online for massage tips.
One I found is:
Frequent, small gestures I do for my loved one can help him understand what he means to me. And often some of my own happiness comes from making him happy. So these gestures can have a wonderful effect on me as well.